Christine's Book Adventures
Hi! I am an avid reader and I am rarely found without a book or my kindle in hands. I use this place to save my books and thoughts. I like it simple ... I am just getting used to BL
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Read (534)
Planning to read (2780)
Currently reading (15)
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on-hold (3)
Favorite (2)
Wishlist (5)
Reviewed (64)
01 to-read-in-2013 (11)
01 to-read-in-2014 (378)
01 up next (16)
1001-books-before-you-die (3)
12-non-fiction-books-in-2013 (22)
12-non-fiction-books-in-2014 (87)
12-non-fiction-books-in-2015 (6)
19th-century (24)
1a wishlist-priority (20)
1a-2012-releases-wishlist (12)
1a-2013-releases-wishlist (16)
1a-2014-releases-wishlist (3)
1a-bought-2013 (48)
1a-can-wait (14)
1a-kindle-deal (20)
1a-need-2-buy (35)
1a-read-immediately (59)
1a-wishlist-2013 (4)
1a-wishlist-2014 (131)
1st in series (199)
2011 books I really liked (10)
2012-books-i-really-liked (16)
2012-releases (298)
2013-books-i-really-liked (31)
2013-contemp-and-chick-lit-challeng (121)
2013-end-of-the-year-challenge (43)
2013-new-2-you-authors-nbrc (97)
2013-releases (422)
2013-scifi-challenge (19)
2013-scifi-fantasy-challenge (83)
2014-releases (98)
2014-smart-is-sexy-challenge (1)
20th-century (40)
academic (2)
action-adventure (29)
aesthetics (2)
afghanistan (1)
africa (42)
aliens (43)
alpha-male (9)
american-literature (28)
angels demons (1)
angels-and-wings (11)
angola (1)
animals (45)
anthologies (29)
april (27)
architecture (1)
argentina (1)
around-the-world-in-80-books (7)
art (44)
asian setting or asian characters (4)
asian-literature (13)
asian-setting-or-asian-characters (9)
assassins (5)
audiobooks (20)
august (36)
aurora-award (3)
australia (13)
author-bella-andre (8)
author-haruki-murakami (9)
author-ilona-andrews (9)
author-maya-banks (13)
author-patricia-briggs (13)
authors-a-to-d (250)
authors-e-to-h (123)
authors-i-like (4)
authors-i-to-l (100)
authors-m-to-p (93)
authors-q-to-t (153)
authors-u-to-z (73)
auto-buy (10)
awesome-series (30)
belgium (1)
better-than-expected (4)
between-3-and-4-stars (7)
between-4-and-5-stars (4)
bhutan (1)
biography-memoir (96)
biology (41)
blah-blah-blah (3)
book of the month (0)
books-about-books (26)
borrowed (2)
bought in 2012 (4)
brains-stuff (15)
british-literature (64)
buddhism (2)
business (5)
c-to-c-challenge (25)
cambodia (3)
canada (8)
checked-out-from-library (16)
chemistry (2)
childrens (44)
china (23)
chubby-chunkster (22)
classics (218)
classics-in-2013 (29)
color-black (138)
color-blue (146)
color-brown (59)
color-gold (15)
color-green (84)
color-grey (38)
color-orange (52)
color-pink (21)
color-purple (48)
color-red (131)
color-silver (9)
color-turquoise (41)
color-white (106)
color-yellow (53)
computer-science (3)
confusing (1)
contemporary (308)
contemporary romance (170)
cooking (40)
could-have-been-so-much-better (4)
cover-castle (1)
cover-couple (1)
cover-flowers (13)
cover-full-moon (5)
creativity (2)
creepy-ill-dark (11)
crime (60)
cyberpunk (26)
cyborg (1)
czech-republic (5)
dark (4)
dark-fantasy (25)
death (17)
debut-authors-2011 (8)
debut-authors-2012 (4)
debut-authors-2013 (41)
debut-authors-2014 (3)
december (12)
demons (30)
denmark (1)
disappointing (5)
disturbing (1)
dragons (33)
dying-to-read (134)
dystopia-post-apocalyptic (220)
ebook (40)
economics (3)
egypt (28)
emotional-rollercoaster (2)
epic-fantasy (64)
erotica-bdsm (34)
erotica-menage (14)
erotica-romance (91)
excitement (9)
fairies (22)
fairies or fae (1)
fall-2013 (90)
family-relationships (2)
fantasy (506)
fantasy-sci-fi-book-challenge (78)
february (29)
finnish-literature (2)
food-cooking (25)
for-a-younger-audience (3)
france (17)
freebiez (126)
french-literature (7)
funny (38)
futuristic (11)
german-literature (18)
ghosts (55)
glbt (6)
gorgeous-cover (30)
gothic (8)
graphic-design (21)
graphic-novels (72)
greece (5)
hall-of-fame-ahem-favourites (11)
halloween-reading-list (16)
hardcover-or-paperback (160)
have-high-expectations-for (2)
hayao-miyazaki (10)
health (21)
high-fantasy (7)
highly-recommended (102)
historical-fiction (233)
history (79)
horror (55)
hugo-nebula-award (7)
humor (6)
hungary (5)
i-consider-to-read-it (180)
i-like-the-cover (143)
india (14)
indie-books (41)
inspirational (10)
interesting-enough (17)
iran (8)
iraq (1)
ireland (9)
islam (1)
israel (8)
italy (16)
january (31)
japan (106)
japanese-literature (86)
japanese-setting (6)
journaling (5)
july (28)
june (15)
kickass-heroine (8)
kindle (783)
korea (5)
laughing-myself-silly (1)
law enforcement (4)
law-enforcement (24)
learn-sthg-new (13)
lebanon (6)
library-books (414)
looked-into-and-decided-for (6)
magic (144)
makes-you-think (1)
male-hero (9)
male-ya-author (29)
mali (1)
manga (34)
march (37)
mathematics (18)
may (25)
me-owns_not-read (244)
meh (1)
mena (22)
mexico (6)
middle-eastern (2)
military-war (36)
mod pick (1)
mongolia (1)
most-anticipated (27)
movies-and-tv (9)
music (28)
mystery (94)
mystery-thriller-suspense (149)
mythology (43)
natural-history (21)
nbrc (12)
needz-review (9)
neuroscience (27)
new-zealand (1)
nigeria (1)
no-no-no (1)
non-fiction (321)
norway (2)
not-my-cup-of-tea (7)
not-what-i-expected (6)
not-yet-released (132)
november (18)
oct-15-december-31-aki-autumn (3)
october (60)
ordered-from-library (10)
out-of-my-comfort-zone (10)
pakistan (2)
paperback (25)
paranormal-fix (237)
paranormal-romance (194)
part-of-a-series (107)
personal-development (28)
philosophy (27)
photography (6)
physics (20)
pick-4-me (19)
pirates (8)
poetry (17)
poland (1)
portugal (2)
precious-manga (14)
psychology (47)
radio-bbc-4 (20)
read-in-2011 (21)
read-in-2012 (100)
read-in-2013 (188)
realistic-fiction (22)
reapers-soul-reapers-grimm-reapers (4)
reference (20)
religious-stuff (8)
retellings (17)
reviewed (8)
robots (3)
romania (3)
russia (17)
russian-literature (8)
scandinavian-literature (8)
science (99)
science-fiction (283)
scotland (8)
seinen (5)
september (50)
september-reading-challenge-indie (14)
series-completed (16)
series-on-hold (1)
series-ongoing (8)
setting-uk (5)
sf-masterworks (13)
shapeshifters (141)
shonen (7)
short-stories (165)
smart-is-sexy-challenge-2013 (8)
so-boring-that-i-want-to-scream (1)
spain (1)
spanish-literature (7)
sports (3)
spy-thriller (6)
stand alone (55)
steampunk (92)
steamy-hot (5)
summer-2013 (59)
summer-challenge (15)
summertime-in-japan-jun1-oct15 (17)
supernatural (41)
sweden (5)
sweet (1)
sword-and-sorcery (13)
syria (1)
tbr-reduction (21)
tcf-spring (12)
tcf-summer-challenge-2013 (51)
thriller (11)
tibet (1)
time-travel (31)
to-read-in-2015 (4)
tower-team-cadet-blue (125)
travel (48)
trilogy (12)
turkey (16)
ugly-cover (0)
urban-fantasy (304)
vampires (159)
waiting-for-paperback-release (19)
wanted-to-read-forever (4)
well-worn-frequent-rereads (20)
werewolves (97)
winter-2013 (124)
wizards-and-sorcerer (10)
world-literature-2013 (23)
world-literature-2014 (2)
wtf-endings (3)
yaoi (4)
you-go-girl (21)
young adult (535)
yummy-male (18)
zombies (57)
zz monthly-challenge-april (30)
zz monthly-challenge-august (3)
zz monthly-challenge-december (50)
zz monthly-challenge-february (36)
zz monthly-challenge-january (41)
zz monthly-challenge-july (8)
zz monthly-challenge-june (7)
zz monthly-challenge-march (33)
zz monthly-challenge-may (17)
zz monthly-challenge-november (24)
zz monthly-challenge-october (12)
Unshelved (501)